Vice President Kim Ognissanti steps down

Branch 89 Vice-President Kim Ognissanti has resigned her position in advance of her upcoming retirement on January 14th.
I would like to personally thank Sister Kim for being there for me in my transition to President 2 years ago and I am thankful for all the help and guidance she has bestowed on this Branch. She along with her late husband Rocky and many others have laid a strong foundation for this branch over the last several decades and it is my intention to steer it so the next generation of letter carriers have the knowledge and power to take us into the future.
I would like to congratulate Kim on her retirement and wish nothing but the best in the future and hope she spends lots of time with her kids and grandkids and that she gets to do the things that she wants to do and not have to take annual or call out sick (?).
Therefore, It is my honor to have asked Fremont City Carrier Raven Arehart to fill out the remainder of Kim’s term and she accepted. Kim and I have been working for the last few months to get Raven up to speed on what the VP job entails. We know she is ready to step up to the challenge a d will do a great job. Good luck Kim, and Welcome Raven. I’m extremely lucky to be surrounded by strong people willing to do the work of representing all of you. Happy New Year

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