Congratulations to the newly elected officers of Branch 89. They will be installed at the Branch 89 Holiday Party on Sunday, January 19 @ The Wooden Windmill in Fremont. President:
Day: December 3, 2019
Minutes of the November 2019 MeetingMinutes of the November 2019 Meeting
Minutes of the November 2019 Meeting -Call to order at 5:52 -Pledge of allegiance -Minutes of the October 2019 meeting were read by Brian. -Change $30 to $63.66 for

Greivance Award 89-FRE-835-14Greivance Award 89-FRE-835-14
Step B decision 89-FRE-835-14

2020 Holiday Party2020 Holiday Party
Just an early reminder that The Branch Holiday party will be held on Sunday, January 19th at 6 pm. Social Hour starts at 5, and the meal starting at 6.