Call to order: 7 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes of the March 2020, were Suspended by Rocky, Second my Mike Jensen
Treasurers report was given by Roy
Correspondence: Business Agent report
Old Business:
1. Food Drive: has been postponed, until further notice, keep the postcards at your local offices, until further notice from National
2. Laptop was updates with the new windows was installed by Cody Loomis
New Business:
Brent Fjerstad was present to give updates on legislative, wants all carriers to sign in and send letter and emails to the local congressman, and senators. The Post Office will run out of money by the end of the summer if we do not get help. New PMG DeJoy, states that he wants to work with all three union heads. Don Bacon is on our side, which is a good thing, if they support us, then we support them.
Fremont- retiree Don Rice passed away, May 4, 2020. Branch sent out a sympathy card
Zoom- depending on the status of the virus, we may try zoom again.
Kim- has been calling all the outside stations to make sure hey are stocked with PPE
Motion for Kim to order t-shirts for all active members, 2nd by Juve, each t-shirt is 8.50, plus shipping, the vendor is a City Carriers from anther state.
Rocky asked each member to at least think about giving to the Colcpe fund
Brian- Make sure you all stay safe
Motion to adjourn at 7:50 PM
Attendance: Kim, Rocky, Brian, Juve, Mike Jensen, Roy, Chad, Roy S (Superior) Brent Fjerestad
Minutes of the May 2020 Meeting