Meeting Minutes March 2022

S2Branch89 Merged March 2022 Monthly Union Meeting pg 1


March 3rd, 2022


Minutes of February 2022 were read by Raven and accepted as read.


Treasurer’s report was read by Roy.




National business agents report for region 5 NBA.  Nalc health benefits plan, a thank you card from Gladys and Tyler and a state farm bill for 135$/yr.


Old business: 


Region 5 rap session was this past weekend.


Fred started the rap session and discussed moisture wicking polos and cargo shorts being placed out for our uniforms. MOU’s to expire in April. House resolution will guarantee 6 day delivery. Retirees will be mandated to purchase both medicare A&B.


Kelly made a motion for Roy to pay our bonding bill for state farm at 135$/yr. Clint seconded this motion. Motion passed.


New business:


City 14 and City 18 both had successful bidders.


Ken Nelson was successful bidder to route 14 and Brian Greunke was successful bidder to route 18. Both are effective March 12, 2022.


Brian stated there will be training for officers March 20th and 27th for Constitution and by laws, Cyber security, auditing, and payroll and lost time.


Mike Mohr made a motion that Clint and Raven are assigned to constitution and by laws, auditing, and cyber security. Kelly and Juve will be assigned training for payroll and lost time.  Roy was assigned auditing.  Brian was assigned constitution and bylaws and cyber security. Kelly seconded this motion. Motion passed. 


Kelly made a motion to pay 50/hr for said training.  Juve seconded this motion. Motion  passed.


Discussion regarding continuing zoom meetings with possibility of traveling to outside offices will be continued at another time.


S2Branch89 Merged March 2022 Monthly Union Meeting pg2


Brian nominated Raven to plan a summer union party as discussed for postponing the Christmas party.




Grievance was settled for Josh B. Management pulled him off of his hold down and he will be receiving time and a half for one scheduled day.


Tonya being an unassigned regular was brought in on her day off and management only paid her straight pay.


Attendees: Clint, Kelly, Brian, Raven, Roy, Mike M., Juve.


Adjourned: 7:29pm

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