S2Branch89 Merged December 2023 Monthly Union Meeting pg 1
December 7th, 2023
Minutes of the November 2023 meeting were read by Raven and accepted as read.
The Treasurer’s report was read by Clint.
Region 5 NBA report
Nalc health Benefit plan
Old Business:
Rap sessions will be taking place in February. Raven, Chad and Brian will be attending.
Chad has planned the Christmas party will take place January 14th
Raven attending steward training
New CCA started package delivery and will be OJT next week
New Business:
Kelly made a motion to pay Hiedi and Brenda for their help with the annual leave board, 350$ for Heidi and 150$ for Brenda. Chad seconded. Motion passed.
Kelly made a motion to pay go daddy for security for our website in the amount of 179.88$. Clint seconded. Motion passed.
Chad made a motion to pay Brian for travel and time to Wahoo and Oakland 160 miles plus 4 ½ hours time spent at 50$ per hour. Kelly seconded. Motion passed.
Kelly made a motion to purchase 120 books of stamps for holiday cards for our union members. Chad seconded. Motion passed.
Kelly made a motion to pay Brian for a rap session in Kansas City 2 days at 250$ per day plus mileage and per diem along with hotel stay. Chad seconded. Motion passed.
Kelly made a motion to send Raven to the National convention in Boston from August 5th through the 10th, with the branch paying for lodging, transportation and 250$ per day plus per diem. Chad seconded. Motion passed.
S2Branch89 Merged December 2023 Monthly Union Meeting pg 2
Kelly made a motion to pay for the door prize for the raffle at the rap session in the amount of 50$. Mike M seconded. Motion passed.
2 new CCA’s are starting in fremont
Work assignment people working OT on other routes when not necessary.
Working CCA’s over 11 ½ hours
Kelly, Chad, Raven, Brian, Clint, Mike J, Kim, Roy and Mike M
Adjourned: 7:38pm